Вечита нићна мора Америке:Русија+Немачка(Европа).Мада сада имају и други истични ветар Кина+Индија.На крају ми их нешто и жао.
четвртак, 01 октобар 2009 01:33
Posao "intelligence outlets" kao ovaj Stratfor ili bilo kojeg drugog ogranka CIA je sirenje dezinformacija. To se uspesno radi tako sto se prica uklopi da se vrti oko nekog zrna istine Tako je to i u ovom slucaju.
Poenta o periodu hladnoratovskog perioda je da tada " Germans did not really have a foreign policy to speak of". Sad se kobajagi nesto promenilo pa ce Nemacka imati SVOJU spoljnu politiku. To je apsolutna glupost i nemogucnost. Kako moze drzava koja je pod vojnom (ali i finansijskom i ekonomskom) okupacijom ima SVOJU spoljnu politiku. Nemacka i dalje placa $7-11 milijardi godisnje da se Pentagon troskari na svojim vojnim bazama rasutim po teritoriji Nemacke. Amerikanci i dalje okupiraju Nemacku i okupacija se nastavlja o nemackom trosku. Pre nego sto Nemacka moze imati SVOJU spoljnu politiku, ona mora izbaciti okupatora sa svoje teritorije, mora se osloboditi i anglosaksonskih finansijsko-ekonomskih okova. A tada bi postalo potpuno jasno da razumna spoljna politika Nemacke bi podrazumevala unistenje EU, tako sto bi se UK izbacile iz EU, po De Golovom modelu ujedinjenja Evrope, bez Engleske, jer je ona trojanski konj SAD koja samo omogucuje podjarmljivanje Evrope od strane SAD. A kad bi se to desilo sledeci razuman potez bi bilo geoploticko ujedinjenje Nemacke i Rusije cime bi se dobio spoj najjace ekonomije sa najbogatijim energetskim resursima. Ovaj mat u dva poteza ostatcima britanske imperije je ono sto logika nalaze. Ali upravo zato SAD nece nikad dozvoliti da Nemacka ima SVOJU spoljnu politiku.
четвртак, 01 октобар 2009 08:27
Jasna Simonovic
"My Germany" will be the one that reads and replies the letters sent to highest institutions such as Ministry of ecomonic affairs, of Health...the one that does not protect wrong doings of its companies, such as Solvay Germany, the one when you enter the Court in Berlin on foot asking for help, does not say: no...the one that protects any person when you say that the money was stolen from your accourt at DB, the one that helps anyone when you say for ex. that Deutsche bank had done wrong to your company...the one that you do not have to pay the entrance in a Church in the center of Berlin...The one that respects what Commercial chamber had said, and the one with Commercial chamber that knows to finish the job to the end..
"My Germany" is my childhood in my heart, my friends in my heart, my business friends in my heart...."She" does not jump over Berlin wall to collect what other people had done through years in SSSR..(in pharmaceutical business of course)...
"She" walks like all other normal people do, with clean heart...
четвртак, 01 октобар 2009 09:58
Jasna Simonovic
And "My Germany" is the one not to stop the correspondence when the Commercial Chamber of Hannover and Commercial Chamber of Serbia discuss an important business issue in written and when it is in favor of Serbian legal legitimate business..such as in case of Farmest - Solvay pharmaceuticals Hannover...
"The Germany" is the one when you write to the Board of Directors of Deutsche bank and to the President of Germany to get an answer...
Because one never knows the next coming "Gates"...
May God help Germany to return to the Right way...
Poenta o periodu hladnoratovskog perioda je da tada " Germans did not really have a foreign policy to speak of". Sad se kobajagi nesto promenilo pa ce Nemacka imati SVOJU spoljnu politiku. To je apsolutna glupost i nemogucnost. Kako moze drzava koja je pod vojnom (ali i finansijskom i ekonomskom) okupacijom ima SVOJU spoljnu politiku. Nemacka i dalje placa $7-11 milijardi godisnje da se Pentagon troskari na svojim vojnim bazama rasutim po teritoriji Nemacke. Amerikanci i dalje okupiraju Nemacku i okupacija se nastavlja o nemackom trosku. Pre nego sto Nemacka moze imati SVOJU spoljnu politiku, ona mora izbaciti okupatora sa svoje teritorije, mora se osloboditi i anglosaksonskih finansijsko-ekonomskih okova. A tada bi postalo potpuno jasno da razumna spoljna politika Nemacke bi podrazumevala unistenje EU, tako sto bi se UK izbacile iz EU, po De Golovom modelu ujedinjenja Evrope, bez Engleske, jer je ona trojanski konj SAD koja samo omogucuje podjarmljivanje Evrope od strane SAD. A kad bi se to desilo sledeci razuman potez bi bilo geoploticko ujedinjenje Nemacke i Rusije cime bi se dobio spoj najjace ekonomije sa najbogatijim energetskim resursima. Ovaj mat u dva poteza ostatcima britanske imperije je ono sto logika nalaze. Ali upravo zato SAD nece nikad dozvoliti da Nemacka ima SVOJU spoljnu politiku.
"My Germany" will be the one that reads and replies the letters sent to highest institutions such as Ministry of ecomonic affairs, of Health...the one that does not protect wrong doings of its companies, such as Solvay Germany, the one when you enter the Court in Berlin on foot asking for help, does not say: no...the one that protects any person when you say that the money was stolen from your accourt at DB, the one that helps anyone when you say for ex. that Deutsche bank had done wrong to your company...the one that you do not have to pay the entrance in a Church in the center of Berlin...The one that respects what Commercial chamber had said, and the one with Commercial chamber that knows to finish the job to the end..
"My Germany" is my childhood in my heart, my friends in my heart, my business friends in my heart...."She" does not jump over Berlin wall to collect what other people had done through years in SSSR..(in pharmaceutical business of course)...
"She" walks like all other normal people do, with clean heart...
"The Germany" is the one when you write to the Board of Directors of Deutsche bank and to the President of Germany to get an answer...
Because one never knows the next coming "Gates"...
May God help Germany to return to the Right way...